Membership and By-Laws

WELCOME New Members!

We welcome new members to the Guild.   Additionally, current members may invite a friend to a meeting as a guest, make sure you introduce them at the meeting.

WHERE we meet:

We meet at the Community Room at CASA which is in downtown Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (230 – 8th Street South).

WHEN we meet:

Meetings commence at 7pm.

WHAT do we do at meetings:

We do all sorts of fun program activities.  Sometimes we will have a special guest speaker, trunk shows and demos.  The guild also organizes retreats, Sew All Day events, classes and Community Quilt projects.

Draws: We also do two different draws at each meeting; one is free for members, you will request a free ticket from the ticket table and later on in the meeting a ticket will be drawn and the member will win the prize.  We get our prizes from the various local quilt stores in the area and it will be fabric, notions, etc.  The second draw is $1 per ticket or $2 for 3 tickets. You can buy as many tickets as you like. They go back into guild funds for buying more draw prizes. If you would like to see the prizes, they will be displayed where you purchase the tickets at the Guild meeting.

Community Quilts is the donation of guild member-made quilts (regular and dolly sized). We have some patterns available (please refer to the pattern links on this website), and you can learn more about those from the Community Quilt table. The guild funds the batting and backing   for the quilts. If you have a quilt top ready, come over to the Community Quilt table to get the backing and batting.

HOW can you join?

If you are interested in joining the guild, please print out a Membership form and bring it with you to the next Guild meeting. There is a yearly membership fee that will be taken by cash or cheque when you submit your membership form.  New Membership fee is $30.  Ongoing membership can be renewed at the meetings before May 31st (memberships  are valid for the period of June 1st to May 31st of each year).  If you renew after May 31/2025, the fee goes up to $35.

Newsletter & Minutes:

Once you are a member in good standing, minutes will be e-mailed before the next guild meeting. If you do not have access to email, you may provide the Secretary with self-addressed stamped envelopes. Minutes will be mailed prior to the next month’s meeting. If there are any changes in your address or e-mail please inform the Membership chairperson or the Secretary.

Here’s a link to our Handbook (please note that the membership fees in this version of the handbook and by-laws are outdated, the 2025/2026 membership fees are currently noted as above):

LCQG Handbook 2023_